Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Geek is Good

I just want to say that geeks are awesome. Not being personally biased or anything but it's the truth. Yes I am a self confessed geek. I've been a Star Wars fanatic since I was about 7 years old. I have a comic book collection, mainly Marvel but DC's cool too. I'm also guilty of being a gamer and so are most of my friends. I once spent 10 hours straight gaming and man did my eyes hurt after that. I could not look at a screen for a good day or two and I had a massive headache after that. I'm really into music as well and I play guitar, keyboard, ukulele and recorder. Two of those instruments are pretty dorky but they're fun to play. Drama's fun too. Geeks are awesome for a few reasons.
1. We like what we like for whatever reason and we don't care what others think.
2. We are not anti social, we are social with our own group of peers who are like minded.
3. We do fun things like RPGs
4. The stuff we do is cool :)
I'm just saying we geeks aren't weird we just may like slightly dorky/geeky excentric things. We're harmless :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Anything Goes.

Okay recently I had a reader ask if they could request stuff. I say sure why not? I'm up for anything. Post any random topics you would like to read about and I will try and rant. Rants will be subject to time and my capabilities. No promises people but feel free to ask. I'm a nice guy :)

Emotion is like the light spectrum, it's vast and complicated.

Lately my friends and I have been talking a lot about how we feel. I don't know if it's just me but it seems that being a teenager messes with more than just your hormones. Or maybe it's those same hormones that mess with the way you think and feel as well, it probably is. The more we think, the more we feel and the more we feel, the more complicated things get. And it's because of the added amount of emotion we put ourselves through that we end up crashing and burning. It's good to feel but too much can be straining.

So in my title for this post I compared emotion to the light spectrum, I know it sounds weird but hear me out here okay? Let's associate each emotion with a colour okay. Green for relaxed, blue for sadness, red for anger and so on and so forth. Each colour has a different wavelength distinguishing it from the others and sometimes the colours over lap and create a new colour with another wavelength totally different from the primary colours it was created from. Say blue crossed with red to create magenta. It's different, the same yet different from the original colours it was made from. Magenta is anxiety, a mix of anger and sadness. See how they relate to each other and yet they are something different entirely. I see different emotions being a base feeling and are made different when they are mixed with other feelings.

So what if love was white light? As most people who've done junior science will know white light is composed of all the different colours/wavelengths in the visible light spectrum using proportioned amounts of each. So the recipe for white light, one part blue, a sprinkling of red and a handful of green. Or one part magenta, with a cup of green. Also a pinch of cyan and a dash of red on the side. See there are many different combinations you can use to make the same thing. It's the same with love. You can't have it without having something else there on the side helping make it, making love what it is. But white light is special. Even though it is composed of a whole different bunch of colours/wavelengths it doesn't have a wavelength of it's own. It's like magic. Scratch that it is magic (I mean science), just like love (which is actual magic). It's unique and special in a way that's different to all other emotions. Even though you have other emotions associated with it, it just has that quality that out does all other feelings. I think love is special and should be cherished. You can't just disregard it and expect it to still be there. It has to be nurtured and encouraged. Whether it's platonic of romantic it is important to love as much as you are loved. You have to keep a balance just like everything else in life. I've been blessed with the love from my parents who cared for me and still care for me far too much. Yes mum I do have my lunch and no I do not hang out with the 'bad' kids at school (please could she give me more credit I don't drink, smoke or go out too much). Romantic love, well that thing is hard to find and I still haven't found it. I'm not too concerned because I'm still young, I don't expect to find it in high school and when the real thing does come along I don't plan on letting go easily. As my friend KTSB (don't ask what it means) likes to keep telling me (a.k.a. yelling at me repeatedly on msn no less), "Just be patient. I used to think love didn't exist, but that changed because I've seen love. It is real, I know. You just have to wait." Some of her finest work there. Some of her not so finest work is yelling at me and saying the right girl hasn't shown up yet because if they can't appreciate me they don't deserve me (-__-"). Giant rant on love... now where did that come from.

Back to the other emotions now. I'm going to make a list of the ones I've thought of. I don't like any of the random ones on the internet so here's my take on things.
White-Love (because it's pure)
Black-Hate (the absence of other things)
Green-Relaxed (aren't green meadows relaxing?)
Blue-Sadness (they do say are you feeling blue)
Red-Anger (it is angry)
Magenta-Anxiety/Angst (because I said so)
Yellow-Happiness (the colour of sunshine)`
Wine Red-Lust (it's random...or not. I was thinking of my friend Scarf Guy, he's a perv, though I can't blame him. That girl was attractive.)
I can't think of anymore at the moment. My brain died half way through this blog so if I haven't been blogging coherently forgive me. What colour would you be right now? Chocolate Cake would be magenta for angst and anxiety right now. This blog about emotion just resulted in a rant about love. I'm a hopeless romantic on the inside I guess.

Emotions ARE important. They're what make us live life to the fullest. Would you really be able to experience life truly if you didn't feel things like love, happiness, anger or fear? You can't say emotion is just a chemical process in your brain, it's so much more than that. We aren't robots.

That turned out better than I thought. Thank you to the people who have read this. I appreciate the time you take to read through my ramblings. Many thanks to Chocolate Cake and KTSB who helped me with this blog (by yelling at me on some occasions). I hope this wasn't too long for you guys to read. Wow i've posted everyday for three days LOL. Maybe I'll lay off for a while. Anyway thank you for joining me the Illogical Thinker on this rant journey. Until the next one, Salut!


Well recently my friend Chocolate Cake has been having strange dreams and we tried to figure out what they were about. It involved a snake stealing someone importants special powers and holding them hostage and threatening to kill the important person if Chocolate Cake didn't surrender. Weird ain't it? Mine was not as weird, I just fell down some stairs and spazzed when I woke up. My other friend dreams of faceless people. There are heaps of things you could dream of and I for one have had many strange dreams. I think it's my over active imagination at work.

I think we've all heard how our dreams have a deeper meaning than than just what we see at face value. With a littl research on my friend the internet I got to see what other people make of their dreams. Apparently dreaming of faceless people means that you haven't found yourself yet and well for this friend I would have to agree.

This is unfinished and will probably not be finished ever.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The constant strive for perfection and how society is a bitch.

Well that's how I will eloquently phrase my topic today. The constant strive for perfection and how society is a bitch. I'll start ranting now.

So perfection is defined as; the state of being without flaw or defect. Thank you dictionary but that concept doesn't truly exist in our reality. Everything that is made has a flaw of some sort yet is still able to function just fine so why do people still reach for the unattainable? I'll tell you why, society (and the media is evil). Society fills your head with preconceived notions that yes there is a thing such as perfect and that if you bend yourself to the will of these notions and give into the pressures of society that you will attain this perfection while losing yourself on the way. Why would people subject themselves to such torment? Well that's because we care too much. It's the major problem. What happens when you value the opinions of others much more highly than you own voice that you live for the approval of others. Say you're asian (and yes I will stereotype here) and you're approaching a critical stage in your life, VCEs or whatever secondary school certificate you have in your state. You being asian have grown up having the best expected from you by your parents and you being constantly compared to every single relative in your age group must do well or risk being disowned or bringing shame to your family. Now that's a pretty big expectation to live up to and because you don't want to disappoint your parents and risk being the laughing stock of your extended family take it upon yourself to fulfill that expectation and their expectation is for you to be better than everyone else in the family, to be the perfect child. So you study so much you almost go insane and cram as much knowledge into your cranium as possible before the exam (and if you are a smart one you won't leave it to the last minute). So you do the exam and you think you did pretty well and are proud of yourself that is until you get the results back. You get 98.95. Now you're totally happy with it until you look at your parents and see the upset look on their faces. They tell you that your cousin got 99.75 then proceed to lecture you about why you didn't get a higher score and how much better your cousin is and why your cousin is better. Now just because of that one reaction you could either a) push yourself even harder to the brink of insanity or b) you let yourself go so badly because hey you failed them once you aren't going to try again just as hard just to be shot down. So that is how caring too much is bad. Sorry for the dramatic asian example. It just came to mind.

Some people want to attain perfection because they want to be the envy of others or because they want to be seen in a certain way. It can become so intense that it brinks on self mutilation or harm. They just get so engrossed in the perfect image in their head that it becomes their driving force in life and that they can not function properly because of this unrealistic expectation they have of themselves.

I speak from personal experience of watching my friends put themselves through too much trying to be better than they already were. Why does this need for perfection really stand out in women? As I respect women for who they are and not for what they look like I find it hard to watch when people I care about exhibit this self destructive behaviour of putting themselves through so much just to change this one little thing about themselves that didn't make a differenc in the first place but because some stupid jerk or bitch said something to them they become hell bent on changing it. I admit I can be a jerk at times but that's only when someone else has an unsavoury personality. I can't stand bye watching you disrespect someone for some petty little thing like the type of clothes they wear. If you don't like it then get lost no one wants you here being a douche. Anyway back to my point. I've seen countless times when my friends become so self conscious because someone said one little thing about their appearance. I don't like superficial people. If you're going to stand there and tell her all the things wrong about the way she looks I'll stand here and tell you all the things you're not seeing. You say she's a little chubby, I say you obviously think being a stick is more attractive than being healthy. You say she's got a bad taste in clothes, I say you clearly only judge a person on their outward appearance and not for their personality. The clothes they wear are an expression of themselves. You say she's ugly, I say you don't know the meaning of beauty if you can't look past the outer layers. She's beautiful in her own right and I'm not just saying it because I'm her friend or because I may 'like' her but because I'm a decent human being. I may have gone a little off tangent there but hey it's my blog.

All I really think is that you should follow the beat of your own drum and not be sucked in and spat out by what other people say or think. Perfection isn't one of those things you can reach and anyway it's your imperfections that make you the person you are and what makes you so likeable in the first place. So don't try to be perfect, there's no such thing. There's just you and that's just fine. Who needs perfect anyway? I don't, I have you.

So another rant for me the Illogical Thinker. I think I may have gone overboard but oh well. Many thanks to my friend Chocolate Cake, I heart you :) Until the next post, Ciao!

P.S. The media is evil. PEACE!

The First Blog.

Well, well, well. So this is blogging. Writing your inner most feeling and views on things from the privacy of your own home for all the world to see. The wonders of the modern world and easy to access internet sites that encourage us to have a voice. This is going to be one interesting first blog. No ones ever let me ramble before so here it goes. The topic for this lovely night blog will be individuality. I'm the Illogical Thinker and this is my blog.

Now everyone likes to think that they are their own person and that no one holds enough power over them to influence their choices. The question is, is it really possible to be an original, uninfluenced you? I would have to say that's a no. These days it's impossible to even buy a kitchen towel without having your t.v. bombard you with all the possible choices there are like Viva Paper Towels or the Shamwow! Don't even get me started on that Shamwow guy. He's too hyped up about a super absorbant micro-fibre towel if you ask me. SHAM-WOW! =_=" So my main point here is that the media has too much power over what people are thinking now days. There are so many "choices" to be made. Like what shirt you should buy, what celebrity is hottest and that you should tell the Australian Government that their mining tax is stupid. Everywhere we look there are things being promoted telling you that you should buy this and that. Telling us what we should do. We're all lured in by the pretty pictures and stand out colour scheme. I'm guilty of being sucked in just as most people are. Sometimes with the overwhelming onslaught of ad campaigns it's just hard to say no. We get told what to do and not to do by the people who dictate ad campaigns. You can blow a kiss goodbye to originality. It disappeared the day you decided to wear that mass produced shirt from whatever shop you go to.

Then again originality is a whole different thing from individuality. I think it's impossible to be totally original these days but it is still possible to be an individual. Originality is about doing something and being something that no ones ever thought of before and let's face it most of the really good (and even the bad) ideas have been thought of already. But individuality is something everyone has. It's about how you present everything about you. The way you look, how you act, what you feel. That's something you decide on. It's not something someone can decide for you. Yes other people can tell you what to do but it's your choice whether you follow what they say or not. It's called free will. Other things may influence what you do but in the end you, YES YOU, decide what you do with what you have. In a way it's still your own because no one thinks like you or is you for that matter. DON'T CONFORM TO THE NORM! Well what society sees as the norm anyway. FIGHT THE POWER!

And on that note I will like to tell you of an interesting little chat me and my friend (who I will call chocolate cake in my blogs, if there are more blogs to come)had today. It went a little like this,
ChocolateCake: OMG he's ignoring me!
IllogicalThinker: Maybe he has a good reason...
ChocolateCake: But... *insert over acting crying emoticon here*
IllogicalThinker: Don't you think you're going a little bit overboard there?
ChocolateCake: NO
IllogicalThinker: ...
ChocolateCake: Okay maybe a little bit but still
IllogicalThinker: Okay drama queen loosen up a bit
ChocolateCake: Fine then...
IllogicalThinker: I feel really stupid today
ChocolateCake: Why?
IllogicalThinker: I can't control my feelings... it's driving me insane... I don't think anyone could like me for me...
ChocolateCake: Will you shut up? And you say I over react... Stop being stupid okay. You can talk to me you know. I'm sure someone would like you. You're unique and a great person. A good friend. But stupid sometimes.
IllogicalThinker: Thanks...
A little dramatised but you get the drift. Sometimes when you aren't feeling so good about yourself as a person, it takes someone else to show you all the good points so you don't just look at the flaws you see in yourself. Why is that anyway? That we can see our own faults perfectly but the ones of others not so easily? Humans are weird creatures I say but hey that's how we were made. Maybe we still have a bit to evolve. Who knows. Well be POSITIVE and never lose hope is what my friend always says. Wise words right there. And don't ask me how our chat went from being about the guy she liked to me being douchey because I really don't know.

Any how thank you for reading the first blog from me, the Illogical Thinker. Until next time Buenos Noches Amigos!