You all know how two of the most important things in our society may just be religion and politics. Some may say those two things are taboo and must never be spoken of in a public forum because of all the consequences of doing such would incur. It is possible to have a very civilised and intelligent discussion about these topics and today was quite insightful and an eventful one. It involved religion. That one thing that always starts some conflict between two or more otherwise rational people.
Coming from a catholic background I do have my own strong beliefs. But being catholic does not limit me at all to just accepting or acknowledging things that are said in my religion. I'm open to things that may be foreign because all my life I have been exposed to ideas and things that allow me to think beyond just what I know and what I've been taught. I have many friends from multiple cultural backgrounds so naturally we have several different beliefs ourselves but we try not to have that affect our relationships with each other.
We had a pleasant conversation about what each of us believed. I have my catholic friends, my hindu friends, my bhuddist friends, my atheist friends, my friends who have no idea. I have a lot of people around me with varied opinions on everything. Even though we believe in different things there is one thing we all agree on. That is that we have to live life to the fullest the way we want to. None of us want to just exsist. We want to live. We all have different ideas on what living is but the underlying idea is the same in them all.
We talked about the idea of religion. It's hard to prove a religion but it's just as hard to disprove it. There have been many belief systems spanning the lifetime of our humanity. The Egyptians, the Mayans, the Greeks and Romans (they're religions were so similar well practically the same but different names for their gods) the Chinese, the Vikings, the Indians. There's been many and they all have their own roots and validity. In my eyes there is not "true" or one right religion. They all have their pros and cons but in the end it is up to the person to choose if they believe in it or not. I think religion was made so that people could blame the unexplainable on some higher power but other than that it gave people a source of hope.
Well that's a little thing I had on my mind. Had to get it out there. Well that's it for me tonight. The Illogical Thinker signing off.
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